Skill Share: Gradual Growth Perspectives

Questioning Conventional Wisdom.

Skeptical about products and services that promise quick fixes, instant gratification, and guaranteed success? Even in our hyperconnected society, there is room for avoiding short cuts and taking paths less traveled. Sustained success and purposeful living come less from what you do than who you are and why you live. Ditch the PowerPoint and come prepared with questions to Ask Kevin Anything and exchange ideas with others regarding entrepreneurship, travel, writing, education, spirituality, and unconventional living.

Skill Level: All level.

What you'll learn:
- Facilitating an exchange of ideas on purpose and meaning in remote living
- Calling into question the conventional wisdom of modern-day marketing and advertising
- Focusing on critical thinking and what it means to grow rather than a results-oriented approach to growth
- A session meant to provoke more questions than providing answers
- Finding a balance between work and life domains when the boundaries of public and private life blur

About the speaker:
Kevin Martin graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s degree in Government, History, and the Humanities Honors program researching human rights and genocide. After serving in UT’s Office of Admissions where he reviewed and scored thousands of college applications, he completed a Fulbright Fellowship in Malaysia. Through his company Tex Admissions, he has assisted over two hundred students to gain admission to UT-Austin and many Top-50 American universities. A certified RYT-200 Yoga Instructor, CELTA English Teacher, and PADI SCUBA Divemaster, he travels the world full-time having visited over 110 countries.

Tex Admissions
“Your Ticket to the Forty Acres”

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to