Skill Share: Gamification and an Introduction to Systems Thinking

How to Apply it in Real Life!

“Gamification is the craft of deriving all the fun and engaging elements found in games and applying them to real-world or productive activities. It’s a design process that optimizes for human motivation in a system, as opposed to pure efficiency - Yu Kai Chou”. In this session will attempt to try to introduce the framework and show instances of how it can be applied in real life to build products, services, teams and handle/ build/ engage customers of different kinds. Applicable to all folks/ of different backgrounds- the session is basic and from an amateur’s standpoint who has learned a number of these things by watching, doing, learning and improving

Skill Level: Beginner.

What People Will Learn:
- Gamification as a concept
- How apply it in building products/services/better-engaged teams (especially if remote) / customer base
- How to dissect successful similar products or services out there to understand how one can do better
- How it can be applied to build a Social media base
- A method to better understand your customers' needs and build more efficient
engagement strategies

About the speaker:
Filarial is a Medical Device specialist/ Mechanical Engineer / Entrepreneur / Operations Specialist in his day time job as Bruce Wayne and is a Social Entrepreneur who is trying to build a meaningful organization that can disrupt the space, impact a half billion people across the world with the products that we build in the spaces of Education and Agriculture at night time as Batman.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to It's a must!