Product Design 2.0

Come learn about the latest tools and workflows that product designers use to create beautiful products and services for the web.

New products and services over the last 10 years have lowered the barrier of entry for thousands of people to start their own tech startups and online businesses. Come learn about the latest tools and workflows that will help you prototype, launch and scale yours to success. You’ll learn about new design tools like Figma and Webflow, as well as the design workflow involved in ideating, prototyping, testing and launching your own online business.

What You'll Learn:
- How to build products and prototypes for the web
- What Webflow is and how to use it
- What Figma is and how to use it

About the speaker:
Carlos has been a designer for the past 10 years and has worked with hundreds of founders and organizations like Techstars, Seedcamp, and DFJ. Three years ago he started a company called Sunlight ( ) to change the way people learn at work.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.