Creativity and the Power of Silence

A Workshop to help increase your ability to access your creativity through mindfulness and meditation.

As entrepreneurs, it is very important to be in touch with the source of your creativity, as this is an essential element in the development and refinement of your products and services. But how do we maintain constant contact with the well of creativity that is present within each of us? And what do we do when we find that we have exhausted the well – when it feels like there is nothing left?

Skill Level: Beginner

What You'll Learn:
- How to quiet your mind
- How to access your inner space beyond the mind
- How to create a daily meditation practice
- How to use this to access greater levels of creativity

About the speaker:
One of the first members of Hubud back in the early days, these days Michelle is mindfulness, meditation and yoga teacher with her own business, The Global Yogi, providing inner and outer adventures for transformation around the world. Back when she was an early Hubud member The Global Yogi was in a different stage of its evolution as a digital magazine profiling and promoting yoga and spiritual events globally. Unusually balanced in right and left brain, Michelle loves tech and web stuff as much as she loves to meditate, paint and compose music, and has a passion for helping very creative and sensitive people to ground themselves through meditation in order to access their highest potential and deliver their gifts to the world.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members only. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to