Boosting Up Your Productivity

Counterintuitive tools and tactics for entrepreneurs and freelancers working in Southeast Asia.

We all know the basics - plan your day, do the important stuff (instead of the urgent), don’t multitask, delegate, focus… This workshop is going to be about the advanced stuff: unusual practices, ruthless elimination, apps that are based on behavioral science, subtracting where others add, questions to ask yourself on a regular basis, skin in the game and much more.

This workshop will be interactive, very practical and leaves a great place for questions and discussion among participants.

Skill Level: Intermediate

What You'll Learn:
- How to identify the vital few tasks, that will have the biggest impact on your output
- Strategies to make yourself indistractable
- Unusual ways to boost your productivity
- Counterintuitive apps and gadgets
- Thought-provoking ideas that will make you reconsider how you look at productivity

About the speaker:
Mišo Duchoň is an entrepreneur, coach and personal development teacher with a practical no-BS approach to productivity. He lives by the words of Mark Twain: "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

Originally from Bratislava, Slovakia, he has held workshops on productivity for companies like DELL, IBM, mBANK, Johnson Controls, Mondelez and others. Now he is our HUBUD member and will share this workshop with us.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members only. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to