Napalm Sales

The Psychology of Selling and the Ultimate Sales Script to Close the Deal (Almost) Every Time!

Many businesses is are great at what they do and have designed amazing solutions to painful market problems. But how do you explain to your prospects what you do, how you can help, why your product/service is valuable and most importantly, how you can get them to part with their hard earned cash?? Sales is a skill to be learned just like design, coding or cooking…the more you practice, the better you’ll get and in this exclusive Hubud event, Francis Rodino is going to give you his battle hardened, psychologically tested and DANGEROUS sales script and strategy…to be used WITH CAUTION!

Skill Level: Beginners

What You'll Learn:
• What sales really is…(dispelling the myths)
• They psychology of sales…what makes people buy
• The anatomy of a sales call

About the speaker:
Francis is a seasoned marketing professional having held senior leadership roles at the BBC, AOL, Thomson Reuters and Omnicom Media Group. After leaving the corporate life in 2018, he is now working as a Branding and Client Acquisition consultant helping businesses get more customers by systematizing their marketing and sales online.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to