Skill Share: How Storytelling Can Literally Save the World

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Attention! This event will be based on Greenpeace campaigns, so if you are Mr. Donald Trump, please stay away from it.
When you mention “Greenpeace”, people usually imagine a picture of a whale or anti-nuclear protests or Arctic scandal. But what makes you think about it? What makes The Guardian or The New York Times talk about our campaigns for free? It’s all possible only because we know how to bring the most difficult environmental issue to a great story. So, do you want to know how we do it?

Why you should attend this talk:
How has a great story brought to life? What questions should you ask to make it happen? How to make your story connected to every busy sales manager, who thinks he has no time for good deeds?
This event based on all Daria's experience in Greenpeace. The organization never talks directly about itself but rather telling stories of people, animals, continents and the whole planet. Stories that describe very difficult environmental problems in very simple images.
This event will be based on examples, inspiring pictures and pretty difficult questions that every project team should ask themselves at the very beginning.

During this talk you will learn: 
- how to make any story closer to your target audience
- how to show a picture of a penguin but still talking about climate change
- how to trust a person with the weirdest idea in the room
- what is the difference between the story built for a media and the story built for a social media

About the speaker:
Daria has a master in economics and 10 years of experience in marketing. She joined Greenpeace Russia almost two years ago as a digital marketing manager. No jokes, she didn’t know anything about Greenpeace before her first job interview. And now Daria is saving the forest in Siberia and penguins in Antarctica and she is fighting with air pollution in between.