Skill Share: CRM - Do I need one?

Choosing a CRM for your business.

CRM sounds like a scary term, but if you’re running a growing business and you’re looking to run more efficiently, a CRM might be for you. In this session, Chris will give an overview of CRM, why it’s useful, and some common challenges. There will be plenty of time for Q&A to discuss any burning questions you have!

What You'll Learn:
- What a CRM is & who it’s for
- The value you can get from CRM
- Is a spreadsheet good enough?
- Common pitfalls
- List of popular CRMs

Skill Level: Intermediate

About the speaker:
Chris is one of the founders and CEO of Beacon (, a CRM built specifically for charities and nonprofits. A SaaS veteran, he’s built partnerships with world-leading companies like Hubspot, Asana, and Stripe, and led numerous CRM implementation projects.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to