Skill Share: Effective Feedback in Business

Learn how to give and receive feedback effectively.

You can always become better at feedback. There is hardly any work you do with others that cannot be improved with feedback. Yet, most of us refrain from giving feedback and have a hard time taking in the points for reflection we are offered. In this mini-course you will get to learn about why feedback is difficult and how to become better at it.

Skill Level: Beginner to intermediate

What You'll Learn:
- 101 on how to build new personal skills
- Model for effective feedback
- How to integrate feedback, including making plan

About the speaker:
Jakob Møller Beck runs a Copenhagen based consulting firm. He have worked with personal development for about 12 years. He was originally trained in cognitive life coaching in 2007 and have since then gone on to be certified within team-coaching, integral coaching, and facilitation. Master degree in strategy, organization, and leadership from Copenhagen Business School and a Bachelor degree within business administration.

Jakob has worked with culture and business transformation in many parts of the world, including lived 1,5 year in New York, 6 months in Sydney and several months in other countries such as Italy and Germany.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to It's a must!