Skill Share: Public Speaking Masterclass

Create Passion, Purpose and Prosperity through Conscious Public Speaking.

Learn to use the power of your voice to create more impact, influence and income in your business. Lose your fear of public speaking and join us for this Conscious Public Speaking workshop with TEDx Speaker and Bestselling Author, Marian Bacol-Uba. This workshop will empower you to unleash your voice and increase your impact, influence and income. Marian creates a unique and interactive experience with her holistic approach to public speaking that combines mindset and soul with strategy and actionable steps.

· Do you have a message you want to share with the world but don’t know where to start?
· Do you have a burning desire to create a massive impact and empower others?
· Do you want to learn how public speaking can position as an expert in your industry?
· Do you want to find out how you can attract more ideal clients and grow your business through speaking?

Public speaking is extremely rewarding in many ways. You can make an impact on thousands, even millions of people all over the world with your message. It is time to stop playing small and start stepping into your power and voice!

What You'll Learn:
- Members will gain clarity on who their target audience is
- Members will gain more confidence in their message and what that message is
- Members will be able to identify their expert speaking topics
- Members will learn how to find new speaking opportunities
- Members will learn the tools they need to position themselves as experts in their industry

About the speaker:
Marian Bacol-Uba, originally from LA but now residing in Miami, is a TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Conscious Business Coach, International Bestselling Author and the Founder of Thriver Lifestyle. She is also a Certified Meditation Teacher and the host of the Thriver Lifestyle Podcast and Thriver TV. Marian helps entrepreneurs step into their POWER and soulfully THRIVE in life and business.

Marian is the Founding Member and USA Chapter Lead of KeyNote Women Speakers. KeyNote is a non-profit organization, founded in Singapore, that has a global initiative to bring more diversity to conferences and events all over the world and create more speaking opportunities for women. Marian speaks on conscious leadership, mindset, resilience and social entrepreneurship. She merges her 15+ years of marketing, event production and business development experience with her mission to create positive social impact and help others create thriving conscious businesses. Marian has been featured on CBS-LA, ABC-7, International Business Times, Thrive Global, Medium, Elephant Journal, Bustle, SWAAY Media, Miami Under 40 and over 40 podcasts and publications.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to It's a must!