Skill Share: DIY Web Development

Let's learn how to build your own website.

The event is pretty simple, we will start on talking about web development, predominantly to explain how anyone can develop their own website. Then Tom will describe how. In the end, he will gage the reaction and do some questions and answers.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What You'll Learn:
- An empowered perspective on DIY web development
- An opportunity to learn more in the future
- Information and knowledge about methods used in modern web development

About the speaker:
Tom Thorley, a professional freelance web developer from the UK. He has been working in the digital industry for over 10 years and recently found himself in Bali surrounded by location independent entrepreneurs. Now he is looking to offer his expertise back to the community offering value he knows is needed. He has worked with some huge corporate organizations and at some of the most prestigious web agencies in Europe. Now after all that he finds that he gets more satisfaction working directly with people who are trying to grow their own businesses.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.