Skill Share: Retail & Ecommerce - Launching Your Consumer Product

Tips for getting your product out to consumers while learning what's important when navigating traditional retail channels and E-commerce.

If you ever wondered what it's like to create your own product that will end up on store shelves and in people's homes, then this is the event for you! Whether you are at the very beginning of a new idea, or well into your product development process, this workshop will provide you with invaluable advice to make your brand stand out and build lasting, profitable relationships with consumers and retail channels.

What People Will Learn:
- Gain an overview of important sales channels
- Receive concrete tips on how to approach distribution partners
- Learn about what it takes to stand out as a consumer product
- Discover the basics what makes a solid Ecommerce website
- Learn how you can expand to become an experiential brand that engages the consumers on multiple levels

About the speaker:
Meet Sanya Hurem. Over the past 4 years, she has founded and grown several businesses in the health food and wellbeing field. Her expertise lies in brand building starting with production all the way to marketing and distribution. Over the last 3 years, she has founded and expanded the healthy snack brand My Raw Joy (, creating a range of snacks that are now sold across 12 countries and worldwide through E-commerce. Sanja is excited to share some of her insights from a filed that can be particularly challenging for newbies while helping to demystify what it takes to launch a truly compelling product that is loved by consumers.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.