Twitter Ad Discovery

Nuke Your Bad Ideas & Find Your Tribe.

Great ideas are valuable because they are rare. Trying and failing to build a tribe around every bad idea is a horribly inefficient way to find the good ones. Twitter ads support an efficient method for identifying great ideas, refining your message, and locating your tribe, all at very low cost. On this SkillShare, Jason will show you how, with examples.

What You'll Learn:
- The ugly truth: why most of your ideas stink.
- Discovery: the undocumented use case for online advertising, and why it is different.
- How Twitter Ads supports discovery and why the other social media platforms don’t.
- How to use Twitter Ads discovery to identify your best ideas, refine your message, and find your tribe at very little cost.

About the speaker:
Jason Williscroft is an Annapolis-trained systems engineer with a talent for software development and a deeply mathematical streak. He spent over a decade writing quantitative analysis software in and around finance, and another one designing and implementing Master Data Management and Data Quality systems for large financial institutions, as well as software tools to empower Data Governance Organizations and the engineers who serve them.

These days, Jason turning that last decade of experience into web services that meet the ongoing needs of my former clients. He also engaged in something of a massive art project, which turns out to have provided the basis for this talk.

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Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to