Hiring Top-Level Remote Workers

Avoid Draining Employees and People Quitting

In this skillshare, we’ll be talking about which qualities to look after in remote workers, how to weed out the wrong candidates and how to make sure they don’t quit after 6 months. Come to this event, if you’re hiring your first employee, if you’ve already hired a few people but want to get better, or you’ve hired lots of people who often seem to quit.

What You'll Learn:
• Which qualities to look for in a top-level remote worker
• The one thing you should never do when interviewing candidates
• How to make sure they’re telling the truth during the interview
• How to make sure they’re motivated
• How to make sure they don’t quit in 3 months

Skill Level: Intermediate

About the speaker:
Paw is from Denmark and despite his young age, he has been working with Financer.com for almost four years! Because of his talent for finding talent, he is responsible for hiring and mentoring new members to make sure they maximize their potential within the company.

You can find him through this link:

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to rsvp@hubud.org.