Skill Share: Circular Economy – A Wastefree Fashion Industry

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Imagine the impact we could have by moving away from our current linear economy of take-make-dispose, towards one where our products and materials they contain, are fully valued, benefiting our environment, resources are used more efficiently and waste is eliminated. By producing (and consuming) more eco-friendly products we do “less bad".
But facing a rapidly growing world population (with emerging markets and soon 3 billion more middle-class consumers) the pressure on our planet’s finite resources is seriously increasing. Currently 85% of clothes end up on landfill. And while the negative impact of eco-fashion might be less than for a conventional produced one, it still ends up on landfill, simply because in most cases it wasn’t created to last, to be reused, to biodegrade or isn’t compatible with existing recycling streams. It wasn’t designed for cyclability.
This current system of take-make-dispose is no longer suitable. Its inefficient linear resource flows waste valuable resources and damages the environment, while the model of circular economy is about creating growth and driving profitability, increasing resource security, supply chain resilience and reducing the impact of production and consumption on the environment.

By showcasing best practice examples, Marina wants to inspire fashion brands, designers and enthusiasts with innovative ideas and knowledge on how to make a big difference by integrating circular economy strategies like upcycling, recycling and leasing into the design and production.

Learn in this talk how to:
- become a front-runner on making fashion circular
- outsmart waste along the whole supply chain
- benefit of making the transition from ´take-make-dispose`-economy towards closing the loops for garments
- see textile waste as a valuable resource for creating new products
- creating and optimizing value by reconsidering what might be seen as waste or system losses and identifying opportunities to realize new potential from it

About the speaker:
Marina Chahboune (M. A. Sustainability in Fashion) is a known expert in the field of sustainable textile production, sustainable innovations and circular economy principles. 
She has been working globally within all tiers of the supply chain, supervising projects for fiber and fabric development, eco-friendly garment finishings and the implementation of closed loop concepts. 
In 2011 she founded her Sustainability Consultancy BEYOND FASHION and has been working as Senior Sustainability Manager for the past 5 years for the global market leader brand in eco-fashion. 
Aiming to oppose inefficient linear resource flows within the textile industry, she is guiding fashion brands and garment manufacturer to make the transition from a ´take-make-dispose` economy towards ´closing the loop` of product lifecycles through greater recycling, upcycling, re-using and re-designing, as well as setting up roadmaps for circular business models.