Think Thank: Propeller, Group Goal Setting and Accountability

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Propeller is a mobile app conceived by Stephen in Melbourne and is 8 months into the design stage. It will assist small informal groups to establish meaningful life goals and to support each other in attaining them. Specifically, Propeller is conceived to help 1 person invite up to 7 others in their network to establish meaningful life goals and work towards them on a month long journey, whilst being supported by, and supporting the group. Each group member declares weekly time commitments via video message to the group to be accountable to their goals. Propeller will help track the actual time spent on each commitment, as well as how focused they are in their task. At the end of each week the group will witness how each person is progressing in their milestone completion and target objectives. Propeller isn’t a competition, but it does make goal accountability achievable and fun!

The challenges:
After feedback from 10 simulators in Australia, Stephen has decided to modify the in-depth goal setting process that the group was to complete in the first week of the game. He's looking to streamline this goal setting exercise that will elicit some meaningful goals, but isn’t too taxing or time consuming, coming just after the group has formed. Finding this balance is his main challenge here. He’s also looking to the best ways to declare these goals to the group.

Main desired outcomes:
Stephen is hoping to present the components of the original goal process he had included, and to eliminate non-essential aspects to streamline the process. He’s also looking to have a brief brainstorm on the most effective/fun ways to declare the newly set goals to everyone in the group.