Bali Bungkus: 6 Step Business Idea Creation Plan

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This Skill is about providing you with your personal business idea creation toolkit - 6 steps to creating a business idea that’s as unique as you!

Have you ever dreamed of setting up your own business but can’t think of the ‘perfect’ idea for you? Perhaps you have several ideas but you’re not sure which one to try. If that’s the case, Joanna's skill share could be the perfect kickstart to your entrepreneurial endeavours.

Setting up your own business isn’t just about gaining financial freedom, it’s your opportunity to finally work on something that motivates, excites and engages you. My 6 step toolkit will take you through a process of uncovering aspects of yourself and your life experience in order to come up with several potential business ideas that are perfectly tailored to you. You will leave Joanna's skill share with a toolkit you can take home and work on to come up with a business idea that is as unique as you.

Joanna has a wealth of experience working both in corporate business and start ups. She managed a £5 million portfolio of products for one of the worlds largest medical companies and she has set up and run 2 business, one clothing brand and one property film marketing business. Joanna currently works as a transformational life coach, helping people to come up with an launch their business