SkillShare: Think Through Solutions Faster and Land on Best Idea

Rapid prototyping. Tools, Methods & Best practices.

Rapid prototyping is one of the most exciting activities. It’s an opportunity to unleash creativity, experiment with seemingly crazy ideas, and develop ideas without boundaries. Great ideas don’t always require a lot of time. Rapid Prototyping is part of the design process after you have a clear grasp of the problem and your users’ needs. Goal is to reduce our own tendencies to overthink, agonize and get distracted from the problem in front of us.

What you'll learn:
● Non-technical prototyping methods to generate new ideas, evolve your concepts
● Design for people first and use technology as a tool to meet real human needs
● Tips for designing human-centered digital experiences
● Prototyping process ideas for digital products and services
● Unlock valuable insights
● Use your prototype as a way to share your ideas to your team or potential customers and gather feedback

Skill Level: All Levels.

About the speaker:
Liene Geidane was born and raised in Latvia, spent 5 years in California living and studying design, before she decided to return back to Europe. She is a digital experience designer and creative who works with entrepreneurs and institutions who want to develop and design human-centered digital experiences. Liene’s passion for human centered designed started when she was working on a government service platform for city council where user–centered design approach meant that the solution is accessible to all regardless of the state of health or education level. The project was recognized by an international jury and received Latvian National Design award in 2018.

Case study:

Before she started working freelance so she can dedicate more time to projects that focus on addressing human needs, she was a lead designer at digital creative agency Wrong, worked on projects for some of the largest companies in industries like telecommunications, banking, industrial manufacturing. Some of Liene’s most significant projects in last six months are construction management platform for company Fusemap, leading AI solution for Buildings & Industry (currently in development).

MVP for new company Farmstand that aims to connect farmers in Ghana, Africa directly to consumer cutting out the middleman. Creating simple interface to list products, price, delivery and payment options, making sure farmers have opportunity to receive money straight from the sell, which will help finance their farming on day to day basis (currently testing prototype)

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.