Skill Share: Sustainable Fashion Is The New Sexy

Killer Look By Not Killing The Planet.

In the age of bottom-lines and the push towards constant growth in a finite planet, it has become apparent that the business model is incompatible with our own survival. If we continue current trajectories, a recent scientific paper shows that we have a 5% chance of limiting warming to 2C, a figure universally accepted as safe for human survival. With 10% of the global carbon emissions coming from the textile and garments industry (UN) and one truckload of clothing being wasted per second (Ellen MacArthur), it’s apparent that we have to change fashion production and consumption.

Skill level: All Level

What People Would Learn:
– Learn what sustainable and ethical fashion is;
– Get clarity on how you can wear sustainably and ethically;
– Get clear on your why;
– Make the first steps by determining your style; how you want to feel, and express through fashion.

About The Speaker:
Klementina is the founder of Ocean Goddess, an entrepreneur, environmentalist and designer, insanely optimistic about making progressive ideas happen. As an AIESEC alumni, she started her career at Deutsche Post DHL where she successfully managed multi-million dollar programs, developed new business opportunities and designed a group wide ‘circular economy’ strategy, including demonstrating solutions through working on closing loops of multi-national (incl. Fortune 500) technology and life-sciences businesses. Meanwhile, her calling to solve environmental challenges was bubbling, and brought her to work with numerous environmental associations, non-profits and startups helping them to develop new products, scale and innovate.

She has been an active climate change advocate with Climate Reality, trained by Al Gore since 2015. Currently she’s working with The-Reef-World Foundation on scaling a global initiative of the UN Environment called Green Fins, with the aim to conserve coral reefs and related ecosystems. The work on coral reefs, inspired Klementina to design a collection of minimalist, functional and sensual dresses, made using ocean recycled ghost fishing nets.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.