Thinking Inside The Box

Everybody tells you to think outside the box, to imagine a completely different world, and then [we all] end up following the path of the least resistance. What would happen if we stay INSIDE the BOX and instead follow the PATH OF MOST RESITANCE.


What You Will Learn:

  • Foundations of the Systematic Inventive Thinking method
  • A great framework to generate innovative ideas which are within the Innovation Sweetspot
  • Doodling and thinking visually

Skill Level: Beginner


About the speaker:

Maciej is a post-cubicle-survivor who is making his new life here in (H)Ubud. He spent 8 years at IBM in the Supercomputing business, followed by 2 years in the Scientific sector, and 2 years as a Consultant at the Boston Consulting Group before burning out, coming to Bali and waking up.

He now works as high school teacher (teaches “Thinking”), is looking for Artificial Intelligence projects for Tooploox (a polish AI & Product Design shop helping scale ups), and is a freelance management consultant in the field of self organization and self management (‘teal’ organizations), with a passion for music, cats and Contact Improvisation.


Event Registration Instructions


This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to
