Startup Ideation Workshop How to Generate Brilliant Business Ideas.

The best business ideas rarely come by accident. Learn the practice of startup ideation - the process of coming up with new business ideas. Discover the techniques used by everyone from tech giants like Google, to startups and top design studios.

Skill Level: All Level.

What You'll Learn:
- How to master startup ideation
- Techniques to help you generate innovative ideas
- Tools to help you focus on solving real problems
- Methods to help you shortlist ideas

About the speaker:
Clare Harrison is the founder of  Start Me Up, a company that runs entrepreneurship education programmes and bootcamps for people who want to learn new skills and travel. A former business journalist, Clare's helped launch several startups in Asia. Her writing's been published in The Times, The Telegraph and Fast Company, among others.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to