Ubud Toastmasters

Do you want to practice your public speaking and learn how to rock the stage? Is your goal to deliver a TED Talk one day? Great!

Hubud is organising a bi-weekly meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month to practice presentation and communication skills in a fun and encouraging way.
Warning: you might become addicted!

Good friend of Hubud and Toastmasters expert Ryan Miller and Reno Raphael will be running and speaking at this event.

***Ubud Toastmasters***
When: Wednesday, March 4th
Time: 7pm registration
Start: 7:15pm until 9.30pm
Meeting fee: IDR 50,000 (incl. dinner)

Toastmasters is a learning environment that teaches you public speaking and communication. It is a place to make mistakes, a place to learn and to meet new friends. Toastmasters is where leaders are made.

Questions? Send an email to events@hubud.org

#### Event Registration Instructions ####
This event is open to the public and Toastmasters members, the guest fee is 50k. Limited to 30 places. If you want to join this event, please register at the Hubud front desk or send an email to events@hubud.org