Hubud Creative Hours: Scissoring With Marc

Scissoring Is Fun! Let's All Scissor Together at Hubud!

Join cut paper collage artist MarcPaperScissor for a night of art, music and fun and scissoring. We will be throwing on some tunes, serving up drinks and creating original cut-paper collages using simple tools, all skill levels are welcome and this will be a very fun and relaxed event.

Skill Level: Beginners

What Will You Get:
We will learn about cut-paper artwork and create your very own collage!

About the speaker:
Marc is an American artist, graphic designer, creative director, and digital nomad (Now 6 years nomadic) He works in many mediums from large scale interactive art installations, product design, pet illustrations, animation, and more but his most prolific medium and start began with cutting paper, His collage work spans over 10 years full of vivid colored compositions created using a meticulous process but only simple tools: colored paper, scissors, and a glue stick.
Facebook: Marc Daniel
Marc Daniel

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Dojo & Hubud members. Limited to 20 spots. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to There's a fee of IDR 50K to buy all the tools! please pay at the front desk too.