Bali Bungkus: Free Social Media Traffic

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Oliver will teach you how to start an online business and create a massive movement on social media without paying for any ads or marketing. The whole strategy is based on a simple Facebook method where he shows how he creates up to 100 leads daily without paying for any traffic. 

If you want to learn how to target the exact right audience and having high conversions by generating free organic social media traffic, then this talk is for you. Oliver is working with the lean startup method and using MVPs to research his audiences and to create high conversion rates. He will show you how he builds big engaging communities, bringing leads out of social media into sales funnels and back into our groups after converting them into customers.

Oliver is originally from Switzerland, based in Bali since one year. He is living the nomad lifestyle since 5 years. More than a year ago Oliver and his fiancé founded the company “Homelesshappy” where they help upcoming digital nomads to start there online businesses and to transfer into the online world and work remotely from everywhere. They offer Startup coaching, funnel solutions and we are specialised on free social media traffic