Entrepreneurial Think Thank: Let's Bucket - because stories inspire

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In time of Instagram and Facebook people are conditioned to consume posts very quickly and swipe right after double tapping or seeing it to the next post. There is more or less no deep interaction. People spend hours and can not remember what they saw useful contents for that day or even that hour. 

But the reality is that some content creators really try to impact people and not want to get distracted by the next cat video and all the effort and hope is gone. So there you go, the post which might have a very good content is gone and no one will ever really read it because its gone now to the nirvana of Social Media. 

For a specific niche Sezzy created a platform called lets bucket. Everyone has a bucket list in their heads. Now people who are really living their bucket lists do experiences which they want or should tell the world about. What they have experienced, what they have faced or learned. Lets Bucket is for Storytellers and for people who should get inspired to go for their dreams and tell their own stories -Because stories matter and inspire.

At lets bucket stories will not get lost in the Social Media Nirvana. They will be prominent at the website with access through other stories and google. People will interact deeper and connect. 

Currently Let's Bucket is facing the following problems and questions:

What would be a great way to consume stories on the phone?
How can I reach more good writing content creators, which yet dont know that they are good writers?
How can I animate people to interact and discuss on the platform in a new way? 
How can I make sure, that the quality of the stories are good? Should I publish all posts? 

Seezy is seeking inspirational feedback and ideas from people with experience in storytelling, people who already wrote articles and know how to generate discussion, anyone who reads stories on the internet and individuals who do inspirering things they could write about.