Skill Share: Increase your Sales with Customer Journey

Skill Level: Advanced

Find out about the best converting ads in every stage of the buying process

You're running e-commerce business or selling products online? Here you will learn the blueprint of the customer journey strategy. The concept of how to find the right customers on Facebook & Instagram and convert them into sales – based on their stage in their buying journey.

What you'll learn:
- Campaign Setup: The Funnel Structure for Facebook.
- Target Groups: How to define it in every stage.
- Ad Formats: Why Video is not always the key.

About the speaker:
After managing the media planning for booking platforms in the German retail & hotel industry, Tobias now focuses on strategic online marketing to generate Leads & Sales with paid marketing methods, like the facebook customer journey strategy, you will get taught on this event.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to