Skill Share: Social Impact Panel Discussion

Collaborating with Nomads Giving Back! Let’s Talk About Social Impact.

We invites you to join us for a panel discussion to talk about social impact! Let's come together to meet social impact leaders, hear how they are striving to solve local and global social challenges, learn how you can help give back locally and abroad. You’ll also make friends from all around the world who share a passion for making a difference!

What you'll learn:
- How the social impact leaders are striving to solve local and global social challenges.
- How to give back locally and abroad through volunteering, advocacy & fundraising.
- How social impact leaders are overcoming their challenges.
- How to volunteer and give back responsibly and ethically.
- Learn more about the local and global social causes.
- Get inspired to make a difference!

Skill Level: All Welcome.

- Jonas Freeman, Co-Founder of Conscious Business Community. Jonas is a mindfulness coach, brand strategist, and entrepreneur who works to support Conscious Businesses from many different angles and is the co-founder of the Conscious Business Community.
- Tom Hickman, Founder of Bali Hope Ultra. Tom founded the Bali Hope Ultra - a fundraising challenge where runners set out to raise money to support 100 Balinese children through primary school. Tom has created a special life-changing experience for not only hundreds of children but also dozens of runners by bringing them together and share a profound physical and mental challenge for social good.
- Made “Wira” Wangsean Co-founder of Five Pillar Foundation. Wira is a young Balinese community leader, social innovator, and social entrepreneur. With Five Pillar Foundation, he is currently involved in working with rural communities to create community-based tourism experiences that raise awareness of the importance of the role that rural communities play in protecting nature and culture here in Bali.

- Tarek Kholoussy, Founder of Nomads Giving Back! Tarek has lived primarily in NYC where he earned an MBA with honors from NYU and worked for top firms like Goldman Sachs. In 2013, Tarek left the corporate world behind in an effort to explore the actual world. After traveling to over 100 countries, running 25 marathons and supporting social causes in special places like Bali, Tarek launched Nomads Giving Back! with the vision to inspire nomads, travelers and expats to give back to the communities we call home away from home. Inspire yourself, inspire the world!

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to