Skill Share: From Employee to Mission-Driven Entrepreneur

The need for a new mindset.

Corporate business and entrepreneurship are totally different games, each with their own set of unique rules and both requiring a different skill-set. More relevant than that, it requires a completely different MINDSET.

Learn how to transition like a pro. Join us as we breakdown each PERSONAL challenges you and many will face when moving from the corporate world to entrepreneurship, and get some powerful insights on what it takes to succeed at creating a business that's both profitable, and source of freedom and purpose.

What you'll learn:
- How to avoid to escape feeling like a slave of your job, just to become a slave of your own business.
- The main reasons why 80% of entrepreneurs fail within the first 18 months, and what you can do to prevent to add up to that number and succeed.
- How we’re incentive to think and behave by our culture and education system; to be an employee.
- What’s the goal of entrepreneurship and what could be a more useful mindset for this endeavor.
- How self-awareness can lead you to do meaningful work that’s an expression of love
- How to access your inner wisdom and creative potential to lead from the heart and create the impossible
- How to create a business that’s both profitable and a source of freedom and purpose

Skill Level: Beginners.

About the speaker:
Marcelo Ortega, is an International Life & Business Coach, Speaker, and Entrepreneur that believes each of us has something unique to give. He helps people to overcome their fears and limitations so they can fully unleash their creative potential and give their highest contribution to their world.

Nowadays, after many business attempts, Marcelo developed a career as a Life & Business Coach and travels around the world helping people by empowering them to forge their way into a meaningful life and to do what they love.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to