Skill Share: Meet the Marketplace

How platforms have changed the game.

There’s one reason why Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple & Alibaba lead the stock market - they’re the best-known examples of marketplace platforms. Technology-enabled connections between strangers all around the world has transformed the concept of trade and consumption in everything from investments and arms to dog-walking and science experiments.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What you'll Learn:
- What marketplaces are and why they’re so successful
- Examples of different types of marketplaces
- Neon’s experience of building a marketplace
- How to successfully trade on a marketplace

About the speaker:
Barry is the co-founder of Neon with his wife, Hayley, building the world’s first wedding visualization platform. At its core, Neon is a marketplace that creates highly relevant curated connections between buyers & sellers. Having written nearly US$500bn in a corporate finance career in London and Sydney, the entrepreneurial bug bit hard when Barry stumbled across the opportunity the wedding industry presented whilst helping Hayley grow her wedding coaching business.

Neon is their third pivot, each time a marketplace has been central to commercializing a ‘good idea’, and having deep connections with the Uber community has influenced the strategic direction of how their own global marketplace will grow.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to