Inner Work For Your Bottom Line

Reasons Your Business Isn’t Growing That Have Nothing To Do With Strategy.

Your revenue has plateaued. Your client roster isn’t growing. Your sales have stalled. The next stage of your business is unclear. If you’re spending time looking for the next secret strategy that’s going to get you back on track and reaching your next-level income and impact, perhaps you’re looking in the wrong place. Perhaps what’s really got your business blocked is a blind spot wedged deep inside of you.

Here’s the deal: Success as a leader of a company or brand is reached through equal parts outer strategy and equal parts inner work. It’s part of the deal. If you want to make it on this entrepreneur path for the long-haul, you have to be constantly transforming yourself.

In this workshop, you’re getting a no-fuss, no-frills way to get cleared out of the most common areas you’re probably not addressing inside of yourself -- and these are what’s causing you to play small or stagnate in your business. You’ll take away real practices to move forward and clear things out that will not only inject creativity, power, and clarity into your business but bring greater fulfillment in all areas of your life outside of work.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What you'll learn:
- Specific personal development and mindfulness practices to support your business.
- What the overlap between self-development and business can be.
- Insightful reflections and prompts you can continue to work with after the session.
- Networking with other members of the workshop.

About the speaker:
Elaina Ray is a Self-Mastery and Business Coach who helps professionals and entrepreneurs integrate the most effective personal growth and healing methods into their daily lives so they can have the impact they are here to have — and feel amazing doing it. She’s a former Fortune 100 management consultant and international manager of teams for companies like IBM and Uber who’s traveled to more than 60 countries and worked with CEOs, Presidents, and Prime Ministers all over the world.

Elaina’s work has been featured on Fortune, Fast Company, Business Insider, and Huffington Post. She bridges the corporate and spiritual worlds, helping more people see their blind spots and make clear changes they need to make in order to reach their goals in life and business.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members only. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to