Impact Evaluation for GOs and NGOs
We live in an era characterised by social and environmental problems and by the need for accountability. In this setting, Program Evaluation plays a crucial role.

Program Evaluation is used to build knowledge about the impact and effectiveness of programs by illuminating what does and does not work and increase the chance of receiving funds to support or extend projects that are effective or plan to rigorously evaluate their effects. In this skill share we will learn what is behind Program Evaluation and its usefulness to get more funds.

Skill Level: All Level.

What You'll learn:
- Essential context around program evaluation.
- How it works.
- How you can benefit from it.

About the speaker:
Ahmed is an Italian Data Scientist, Program Evaluator and founder at Decatab. His goal is to democratise advanced analytics making them accessible to anyone.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members only. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to

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