How Empathy Can Save Your Business

User Experience Design.

Empathy is the most basic and powerful tool for UX designers. It enables us to build human-centered products by getting into users' shoes and solve their problems in a creative and respectful way. I want to show you how to embrace it and how to use it in the decision-making process.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What You'll Learn:
- What is UX
- What is empathy
- How to get into your users' shoes
- Few exercises how to work on your empathy
- How to apply it into decision-making process

About the speaker:
Karolina Parysz is a UX designer with an artistic background from Warsaw (Poland). She's been working as a UX designer in a few startups, a huge corporation and a software house. She's currently in the process of creating her own business, which was the reason she came to Bali in the first place. Karolina loves learning, observing, wondering, and experiencing.

You can find her on this channels:

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to