Skill Share: The Left / Right Brain Lyric Writing Technique

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This talk provides a step-by-step guide to breaking down successful songs and writing original lyrics that people love, utilizing both sides of your brain. While focused on songwriting, the method and fundamentals apply to improving any type of creative writing including blogs, tweets, or even love letters.

What you'll learn:
- the technique presented makes the writing process faster
- it provides a framework to channel creativity to avoid getting stuck when writing
- it is a technique equally suited to someone who has never written a song before, and someone who is a seasoned professional writer
- you will actively write a song during the session, applying the techniques discussed
- you will learn how, starting from intentionally writing bad lyrics, you can shape them into great lyrics

About the speaker:
Benjamin is a writer - lyrics in the morning light, code in the daylight, guitar solos in the spotlight. He loves the relationship between art and science. When he listens to a Taylor Swift song he hears math. When he reviews JavaScript he sees curves of beauty. 

Benjamin cuts his songwriting teeth as an artist, signed to Universal Records for a decade in the US, and he planted his entrepreneurial roots in the early days of Hubud in 2013.