Skill Share: Bloom Beyond Perfectionism In Life & Business

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By attending this talk, you will get awareness and tools to attract a life and business aligned with your worth by claiming, knowing, and living your worth from the inside out.

If you show up with bravery, curiosity and openness + are willing and wanting to wilt, fall, root, rise and bloom beyond perfectionism, this talk is for you. No more people-pleasing, procrastination and endlessly chasing perfection on the hamster wheel. It’s time to take off your mask, give yourself permission to dare greatly, and take wholeheartedly responsibility for your life and business.

As a Wholehearted Coach + Worthiness Mentor, Martine Sorthe helps perfectionists and high-achievers break free from destructive habits and thought patterns through the 12-week Bloom Beyond Perfectionism 1-on-1 Coaching program. 
Martine prefers hugs over handshakes, sees opportunities & lessons where others see mistakes & failures, and get energized by seeing people embody their worthiness.