Skill Share: Get The Right Clients with The Right Messaging

Should your website be converting better? Should more of your traffic be turning into enquiries, bookings, and sales? In this short section, we will dive into the messaging on your web page and how to maximize your conversions from the right people by getting your messaging right.

What You'll Learn:
- How to craft your perfect message.
- The ONE thing that resonates with your ideal clients.
- What to do when your page is not converting.
- LIVE Review of your website (if the time we have enough time).

Skill Level: Beginner

About the speaker:
Will Chan is Marketing Message Strategist who specializes in helping businesses maximize the profit from their website by changing their messaging. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Will moved to Australia in his early 20s and started applying his methodology to his early on web design clients. After seeing how simple some changes nearly doubled his clients’ sales, he decided to master the art of messaging and help business owners get the most out of their website and their hard-earned traffic. After reviewing and optimizing over 500+ websites, Will has developed a framework that any business can apply to their own website and see a conversion rate increase.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to