Skill Share: Normalizing Mental Health

Let’s come together and talk mental health.

If you struggle, have struggled, or work with people that struggle with some sort of mental pain or form a suffering, then I would love to invite you along to this incredibly open event about mental health. We are here to learn, understand and share in this field, so that we can all heal and grow in the areas we ourselves struggle with. We ran one in last month, and 4 amazing people stood up and shared their experiences and some knowledge they had in the area. There is no expectation for anyone to participate in the sharing, but prepare to experience the feeling of normalization in how you think and feel.

Skill Level: Anyone is welcome.

What People Will Learn:
* The science behind Mental Health.
* How to create quantum growth in your personal development and increase your level of joy.
* Creating a safe space for everyone to learn & speak up about their issues without judgment;
* Assessing the source of triggers and pain & overcoming them.

About the speaker:
Kieran Hedley is an online mental health coach. Have a background of his own dark depression that he has experienced and periods of anxiety, as many reading, this has likely experienced too. Of course, there are other far deeper motives behind why he's passionate about this subject.

Kieran believes that his life mission is to normalize the stigmatized mental health topic so that it becomes an open conversation in schools, workplaces, between friends and in family environments. Coming from New Zealand, a place where suicide rates are on the rise and have some of the most problematic percentages in mental health and suicide in the western world.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to