Treat Yourself Thursday: Slowing Down to Speed Up

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Our Thursday treat from us for you this week: The Spaces in Between – Slowing Down to Speed Up. Close your laptop and treat your mind to one hour of slowing down to come back to 100% of Energy. By slowing down and taking time to reflect, we create space for choice, clarity, and creativity.

Human beings aren’t meant to operate like machines — at high speeds, continuously, for long periods. We have natural rhythms that influence our energy throughout the day and throughout the year. By having a balance of activities - mental, physical, creative, social and spiritual - as well as time for reflection and rest, we can look after our bodies, our minds, our environments, and our souls, and cultivate the sense of purpose and autonomy we need to thrive. And yet, so many of us find it hard to take time away from doing things – it feels scary to slow down, even for a minute.

During this 60-minute session, treat yourself to:

- An hour of being, not doing
- A host of reflective practice exercises that you can take away and use at anytime
- Connection with your own experience and connection with others

Vix is a wellbeing coach, yoga teacher, and an inclusive leadership and gender expert. She has been on a transformational journey over the past few years. One that has led her from serving in the Royal Air Force to a powerful place where she is connected deeply to her own feminine energy and can draw on a wealth of experience and traditions to inspire, teach, and support others on their journey.

Through her platform, The Practical Balance [], she helps entrepreneurs of all flavours learn to tune into their natural rhythms, get clear on their values, vision and the things that are important to them. She believes in managing your energy, not your time. Balancing your energies, moving between being and doing, is the key to unlocking your potential.