Skill Share: Influencer Marketing - Inside the Agency

Tips for Rising Content Creators and Young Brands on How to Make Influencer Marketing Work for Your Business.

Have you ever wondered about the nitty gritty behind the sponsored acai bowls and fit Instagram models on your feed? Maybe you’re an entrepreneur looking to expand your brand’s social footprint and reach new audiences. Or maybe you’re a content creator with a Bali blog looking to monetize or reach bigger brands. This talk’s objective is to share useful tips for both perspectives, gleaned from years of agency experience working between brands and influencers.

Skill Level: Beginner.

What You'll Learn:
- What is influencer marketing? Demystifying the lingo and taking a peek under the hood at agency production
- Tips on working with an influencer agency
- Insights for brands looking to partner with influencers and reach new audiences
- Insights for the rising content creator on what brands are looking for and industry trends to consider as you embark on the influencer journey

About the speaker:
Meet Eliza Pyne. She have spent the past 4 years working at Collectively, an influencer marketing agency based in San Francisco. During this time she's worked as Lead Producer on various cross-industry projects connecting 1000's of influencers with top tier brands. Eliza excited to share some of her industry insights with both aspiring content creators and young brands eager to decipher the world of influencer marketing and understand how to make it work for their business.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.