How To Sell Like A Boss

For Entrepreneurs, Small Businesses and Freelancers

Overcome your resistance to sales and develop the mindset, skills and strategies to sell to new and grow your business with this interactive workshop.

What People Will Learn:
• 3 simple mindset tips to transform your fear and resistance toward sales into confidence and conviction
• The New Sales: how to create solutions that are mutually beneficial and eliminate the need for ‘hard selling’
• How to run a sales call from start to finish: ask the right questions, handle objections, ask for the business and close the deal…all without being pushy or aggressive.
• If we have time, I’ll ask for volunteers to role play some sales scenarios (the BEST way to learn)

About the speaker:
After ten years of selling medical technology to surgeons all over the world, I decided to use my knowledge and passion for sales and create a program that helps entrepreneurs develop the confidence and the skills to go out and sell… like a boss!

Check out my formal credentials on my LinkedIn.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.