The 5 Rules to Master Your Personal Branding

The method to build and boost your e-reputation through all social media.

If you’re an entrepreneur, a freelance, an artist or you’ve got a talent and you want to become a reference in your niche, but you don’t really what / how to do it? maybe you’re scared to create content? this event is for you!

Skill Level: Advanced.

What You'll Learn:
- Master the art of creating content
- How to matches your content with your values

About the speaker:
Known as part of the TOP 3 Travel Influencer in France for 6 years, Alex Vizeo is now on the road, traveling the world sharing all the tips he had to encourage people to discover the world more, showing them the amazing things they can live and all the skills they can acquire. He loves to help people build and boost their personal branding so they can reveal and tell the world all the goods things they can do!

His social handles: @alexvizeo

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to