Bali Bungkus: Demystifying Programming

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If you’ve ever wondered how websites and complex web applications are built behind the scenes - this is your chance to get a first impression. There’s not enough time in the world to build a complete web application from scratch in this workshop, so what you’ll instead get out of this experience are the basics of HTML, CSS and JavaScript and a quick glimpse into how these technologies tied together form an actual working product. Hopefully, after the workshop you’ll have a better understanding of what tools and in what way are used to build web applications and maybe you’ll even build one yourself after learning the ropes of it!

Strongly advised to bring your own laptop and to work along as this is an interactive workshop where we’ll go through the basics. As charming as Rauno can be, no one wants to listen to him talking for an hour and a half. It’s also a lot more fun working along step-by-step!

Rauno is a software engineer from Estonia. He has had the privilege and experience of building his own start-up, working at a digital agency, multiple SaaS products and just recently quit his day job Fleep ( to pursue his own start-up Hiwe ( where he is responsible for their technological challenges and making the product a reality. (Read: the code monkey).