Skill Share: Powerful Email Funnels that Attract & Convert!

Attract convert and keep more customers - with less stress.

Are you interested in making your online business generate “Passive Income”? We show you how by creating impressive and powerful automated email funnels that intrigue and inspire client retention. We begin by diagnosing the health of your brands message. Then together we map out exactly where, when and how to build connection so that you can consistently capture interest, earn trust, and inspire action. This process will automate growth, deliver results and create testimonials, referrals… and most importantly an impact worth writing about.

What People Will Learn:
– How to automate an intelligently designed, funnel to achieve authority, feel fulfilled and increase your impact, influence and income on and off line;
– The brand messaging strategy that actually connects and convert;
– The important customer milestones that EVERY business owner MUST adhere to if they want to 5x their revenue;
– The shocking difference between what business owners say and what prospective customers hear (and why it’s killing your acquisition success)

Skill Level:
All Level

About the speaker:

Baillie & Natty are founder of Conscious Lead, an automated marketing agency with a focus on establishing digital legacies.

Baillie Thornhill used to train horses professionally, she graduated with a major in Eastern Philosophy and a minor in Social Entrepreneurialism. She sold knives for 5 year, managed at lululemon for 4 - where she met Natty! She has dabbled in the world of VA and IG Account Management. Has been a yoga instructor since 2017, as well as a content and copywriter. Last year she supported the expansion of a friends SEO agency before bringing to life Conscious Lead.

Natty Valencia is a former songwriter turned digital storyteller and direct response copywriter. She began her self-employed journey at 17 and wrote product emails at lululemon for 5 years - where she met Baillie. Fusing her diverse background in performance, sales and content creation, she developed an interest in marketing and human behaviour. Last year, Natty helped 25 business owners tell better brand stories before co-building Conscious Lead.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to