Skill Share: Emotional Intelligence

Life and Work Skills for the 21st Century.

Emotional Intelligence is a personal and professional development model that trains inner skills that will help you to live well and be successful at work in today’s complex, fast-changing and increasingly digital world. It teaches you professional skills that have been identified by cutting edge research as the distinguishing characteristics of the most outstanding, high performing and successful managers. On a personal level the skills you learn will enable to live a more fulfilled, joyful and meaningful life.

Skill Level: Beginner

What You'll Learn:
- Learn the basic principles of the Emotional Intelligence Development Model as presented by Daniel Goleman in his ground-breaking book “Emotional Intelligence”
- Discover what you like about your life and what your challenges are
- Learn a few simple practices to develop focus and awareness and to create a positive mindset

About the speaker:
Bernie is a Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence teacher and coach. He is a certified teacher for Search Inside Yourself (SIY), one of the leading Mindfulness-based Emotional Intelligence trainings worldwide. He has received in-depth training to offer the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Coaching Program and the Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Online Courses. And he brings over 6 years of experience teaching Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and over 25 years of experience in teaching meditation to his workshops and personal coaching work.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 50 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to