Skill Share: How Online Summits Fuel-up Your Coaching Business

From broke to leaders in a niche within 8 weeks.

How we went from being absolutely unknown coaches, broke - sleeping on the floor in my flat, to booked up leaders of a thriving community within 8 weeks, while making personal friendship to other leaders and influencers of the industry and providing real value to the viewers while earning 32000€ net profit. Learn how to make your own remarkable journey too!

Skill Level: Beginner.

What You'll Learn:
● How to plan a single summit
● How to execute on
● How to plan for maximum revenue during after the summit and beyond

�About the speaker:
Georg is an Online Summit Expert, Product Launch Specialist, Facebook Ads Expert and Funnel Architect.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is for Hubud and Dojo members only with 10 limited spots for public. If you want to join this event, please register at Hubud Front Desk or send us an email to and kindly mention if you’re an active members or non members.