How To Write and Publish a Book In 90 Days

Practical steps to birth an idea into a published book.

Do you have an idea you would like to write a book about and are not sure where to start, or how to publish your book? Learn how to easily write your book in 6 weeks. From concept, to outline, to your finished product. Idea to published author in 90 days is possible once you have the tips on what to do.

Skill Level: Beginner

What You'll learn:
- Practical steps on how to write a book.
- How to schedule time in the day to write and determine the most productive time for you to write.
- Should you write for your audience and what does that mean.
- Why outlines are important to start with.
- How to economically have your book cover and book formatting done.
- Self-publishing options and how to self-publish on Amazon, Goodreads, etc.
- Pros and cons of KDP exclusive publishing.

About the speaker:
Sara Estey left corporate America 3 years ago. She sold her home, gave away her possessions and quit her job where she was making over $200Ka year. Sara now lives in Bali with her dogs Angel and Star, whom she rescued off the street. She helps at a local orphanage and works on her writing and just released her first book, Beyond Light and Dark, Vacation in Bali. Her second book will be out shortly.

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