Market Like a Lazy Pioneer

The easy way to an innovative strategy.

It’s normal to equate pioneering a brand with years of work and extremely high costs. While many times this is true, it doesn’t always have to be. If you do anything where selling is involved, there’s an easy way to transform your brand into a pioneer (and have fun while you’re doing it). In this event, Jasper will teach you the methods behind the Lazy Pioneer Marketing Strategy and, afterwards, directly help some of you implement it for your own brand.

Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate

What you'll learn:
- The lazy way to turn your brand into an industry pioneer
- How to strongly position your brand
- How to effectively target your audience
- How to identify your unique approach
- How to sell your unique approach
- How to keep your audience engaged

About the speaker:
Born in Nice, France and have lived in the USA from age 5. With his parents both working in the yachting industry, Jasper has been lucky enough to travel from a young age. In 2017, he started his first business, Lime Maids (, and within a year, had built it into a six-figure company. After automating the day-to-day processes for Lime Maids, he shifted his focus towards helping others succeed using the methods he learned in Entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and unique branding.

Over the past year, Jasper has been providing consulting and done-for-you services for a creative marketing agency on his home of Rhode Island, USA. The types of businesses he has helped in this time varies widely and range from fitness equipment companies to other cleaning businesses. With all of them, he specialized in developing a unique approach to their marketing strategy.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to