How to Use Storytelling As a Brand Strategy

Use vulnerability to create a deep connection with your customers.

If you’re not yet convinced of the power of story, come to this skillshare and learn how to use vulnerability as a gateway to creating a story that will create a deep connection to your customers.

Skill Level: Beginner

What You'll Learn:
- How to write a great story
- Building a personal brand
- Creating a deep connection with your customer
- Sell your products

About the speaker:
Silja is a digital nomad, a marketing consultant for yoga teachers and a yoga teacher by herself. Originally she is from Germany but lives for a year nomadic, thanks to her successful online consultant business. She is helping her clients to be visible online and use Social Media to attract new clients. She used Storytelling as herself as a Methode to build up a strong personal brand. Through this brand she got invited to the most famous Yoga festivals in Germany like the WANDERLUST and is teaching at yoga teacher training - everything happened for one year and thanks to storytelling.

Event Registration Instructions
This event is free for Hubud and Dojo members. Limited to 30 places. Register at Hubud Front desk or send an e-mail to