Bali Bungkus: Amazon Ecommerce 101

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What you will learn:

Are you wondering what it's like to sell a product on Amazon and run an Amazon business? 

Mona will share her transition from lawyer to location-independent entrepreneur and give you an overview of her process of launching a successful Amazon product and ecommerce business 3 years ago from right here in the walls of Hubud. Her wellness brand now has been featured in Health Magazine, Headline News, the Australian Financial Review, and Wirecutter, to name a few. From her long experience as a seller, she will give you an overview of what's involved so you can see if it's right for you. Before people commit to the process, they want to know: is this for me? What's the initial investment? What are all the basic components i need to know or learn about selling on Amazon? What are the potential upsides and downsides? How do I know what product to sell? How much of a time commitment is it? Do I have to have experience in this? Mona will share an overview and give you tips on launching a product as well as the many changes in the ecommerce and Amazon marketplace over the last 2 years. This talk is for those who are considering launching an Amazon business on the side or as their full-time venture at some point as only the basics will be covered! She will also cover how this type of business can create time and money for you to pursue other passions.

About the speaker: 
Mona Motwani is a human rights lawyer turned entrepreneur. She launched a very successful ecommerce company in 2014 and is a professed digital nomad having relocated to Ubud, Bali almost 5 years ago having lived in San Francisco prior to that. Mona now sells successful wellness products through her ecommerce company. Though Mona loves learning everything about being a location-independent entrepreneur, her main passions are human rights, the environment, and spiritual and personal development. She is in the process of streamlining her ecommerce company so that she can have it mostly automated, and then have the financial capital (and use her newly acquired entrepreneurial know-how) to work on social ventures and projects in the developing world that make the world a better place. She continues to advise Spark (, a non-profit she co-founded in 2004, which works to fund and empower grassroots women's groups all over the world and now sits on the Board of OneProsper Mona is also writing her first book.