Libertá: Interactive talk, sound healing, and guided dance

What is freedom? When do you feel most free? 

In this interactive experience, we'll explore freedom from many angles. Starting with the deepest inside, how we navigate a world that put so many "shoulds" on us, our desire to find ourselves and find our purpose in freedom, all the way out to the outside: what we look like, how we should behave, and the ultimate physical expression of a liberated, ecstatic dance.

DJ Eva Toya will create a magical dance experience
Speaker Kamau Abayomi will talk about his life in freedom
Speaker Jenny Tchinnosian will talk about the science of bodily movement and psychology of freedom
... and more

Certain of a few great things, the speakers, musicians, and leaders will guide you as we explore the best of what Bali has to offer. Part talk, part concert, part guided dance, part community building, this will be an experience unlike anything you've tried before.

Over the course of 2 hours, you will dive deeply into what it means to live in freedom, from identity, behavior, and movement. Through guided dance, a talk, and meditation, you will both experience and put to practice what you learn.

SoulFire Series combines light with music, and words full of purpose, meaning. We invite everyone to spark their inner flame, be true to their deepest calling. Building a more beautiful, meaningful world.