Bali Bungkus: How to Weave Social Impact Into Your Business

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Are you craving to make a bigger impact in this world through your business? Do you believe you need to become a millionaire first before you can give back to the causes and communities you care about? Come and learn how this is just a myth and find out how you can start making impact with your business today. You can do this!

What you'll learn:
- different ways that entrepreneurs can weave social impact into their business
- get to know inspiring examples of impact entrepreneurs, who, just like yourself, started out doing so without having millions in the bank. - the existence of a world where businesses exist to make a profit AND make social impact
- how to be part of that!

About the speaker:
Rianne is a social impact business mentor who guides entrepreneurs who want to tie a business mission together with a social mission. She is the co-founder of Impact Business Base, an online membership community for social impact entrepreneurs. She brings 20 years of experience in working with entrepreneurs on creating powerful customer connections to the table and is crazy passionate about creating a world where all businesses uplift humanity and our planet next to making a profit.